The Supreme Court’s ruling validating the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta’s
son as the fourth elected president of the republic of Kenya - ushers in a
complex of issues that will require both short and long term panaceas as he
begins his new term under the new constitution which has to be jealously
protected - already we are seeing the
legislators groan about their pay perks even before they start serving Kenyans
and even talking about amending the law to phase off the salaries and remuneration
commission , we are also foreseeing a
tussle between the appointed provincial administration and the elected county
governors clash over roles and mandate i guess the courts will have a field day in interpreting the
constitution and ensuring its implemented to the letter, these and the numerous
election manifesto promises form part of
the seen and unforeseen challenges that
lie ahead of him.
At 51 years of age Uhuru becomes one of Africa’s youngest leaders
which is a departure from the past and some current African regimes, he has approximately ten years to show
Kenyans that he is not a ‘George Bush Junior’
advancing the seniors policies in the middle East during the Gulf war he can actually
challenge us and prove his political nemesis
wrong by fighting the elephant in Kenyan politics
christened Tribalism that has over time, been perpetuated by the Kenyan plutocrats at the expense of their
humble and hardworking bourgeoisie and proletariat tribesmen for their own imperialist interest. To quote our
fallen father of economics one (Adam Smith,
1776), we get our daily bread
not for the kindness of the baker but for the bakers desire to make money we
are just but unintended by product of the bakers greed in simple terms if
there was a means to which the ruling class could expand their imperialist cum
capitalist thoughts without having to go to polls and trooping their ethnic
communities around them they could as well do away with their votes, the
message here is for the president to move with speed and heal the disgruntled
voices in the regions that did not vote for him and pursue willfully both social welfare and development economics which
the new constitution has clearly outlined and walk the nation to the path of prosperity this not only creates
harmony and stability in the republic but averts an alawitism
state of affairs where minority groups are funded by foreign interest to destabilize
the country , it must be noted that rich
nations are only interested in having the poor countries remain poor by taking advantages
of their divisions , take a look at the Syrian quagmire and quandary between
the Alawites and the Sunni Muslims and the role of the West in that everlasting
christened religious war. Back home we still have to deal with threats from Al
shabab , the Mombasa republican Council Separist group and the Mungiki Sect just to name but a few if not fully addressed
could degenerate into fanatic and harmful groups.
In the wake of globalization
where understanding geopolitics is a virtue worth emulating in this step i wish
to salute the president elect for having made contacts with the BRICS when the IEBC announced that he had won the presidency however my earlier
article on this blog titled “Demystifying
Obamas in Presidency Africa” generally explains the pros and cons of dealing with the worlds two emerging economic blocs the Bretton Woods
Policies and the Brics Policies , for
a number of years the bretton woods institutions having been preaching
palliative economics and advancing David Ricardo’s comparative advantage
Textbook economics which do not favor poor
countries rich in mineral resources and
raw materials .we have seen how harsh textbook
economic donor conditions messed our
economy in the early 90s and what
benefit emulative economics can
do to an economy in terms of embracing technology ,diversity in innovations a case in point is how MPESA has transformed
our economy by creating jobs , this is what the new president should focus
on inter alia.
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"Unfinished business."
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