Saturday, 15 March 2014

Driving down the cost of motor insurance in Kenya a different perspective

The paracetamol approach that has been used over the years in mitigating claims arising from motor insurance from burglary, theft , Third party injuries  etc. through raising of motor premiums rates by the Insurance Regulatory authority  to cushion the industry players against high and mostly  fraudulent losses arising from motor insurance as evidenced in the  AKI statistics reports on motor class  insurance  losses  calls for a long lasting solution to address  the rather comestic panacea adopted by the authorities.

 The biggest problem has been partly caused by the inability amongst the industry players to share and adopt a centralized database on vehicle particulars  which problem can be attributed to competition for clients even against the cash and carry rules and the fact that many underwriters in the industry preference to leverage losses on motor insurance especially if they have other huge schemes from the same  client that are not loss making  which in my opinion is an affront to risk based management in the long term .

A long lasting solution in  mitigating claims arising from motor insurance does not lie in raising premiums rates but modernising our infrastructure in the manner that use of automated highways will greatly reduce risks of accidents caused by overspeeding , a simple case in mind is use of agencies like  KAPS to manage major highways by issuing cards on entering any highway and on exit - payment for time of use and attach  penalties for arriving the required destination before the stipulated  time through electronic monitoring , this  can greatly reduce the appetite for commercial vehicles e.g bus companies rushing to rake profits by over speeding instead of issuing night travel bans – install some sort of KAPS managed tolls along major roads with a defined set parameters on the do’s and dont's while driving on  highway.
Lastly and most importantly there is need for  Treasury secretary to look into ways of either zero rating and or making importation of Car tracking devices duty free , this will go a long way in addressing theft claims cases and even fraudulent claims, make it mandatory for all vehicles seeking insurance be fitted with such devices . The current practice in the market is that most underwriters have been forced to develop above premium rates motor products to cushion them against motor losses hence a drain on policy holders , there is an urgent need for financial inclusion from both the sectoral players and the concerned government authorities to embrace Telematics Insurance at all costs but these calls for greater investments infrastructure  and strengthens our institutions  morally.